Drone Services
Introducing The Matice 300 RTK H20T Thermal Drone
Search And Rescue Services provides the drone services of the newest Matice 300 RTK H20T thermal drone. This impressive technology costs $35,000; you will be getting the greatest technology and service from our aerial photography, video and search efforts.
We generally search for humans for free however if long distance or duration is required some charges may apply and we will negotiate this with you.
When searching for animals we generally need to charge to recover the cost of the $35,000 thermal drone.
The main option we offer is using a Thermal Drone to search for your lost pet. We use the Matrice 300 RTK with a H20T thermal camera. This equipment cost $35,000 in total and is the latest Drone on the market used by Emergency Services around the world.
The best time to use this technology is in the very early hours of the morning (1am to 6am) as we use temperature differences between the ground terrain and the lost animal or person.
This type of search is not 100% as the thicker the terrain the harder it is to see between the gaps. If your animal is lost the earlier on we get called the better it is.
Approximate Rates:
$400 for the first 90 Minute flight time
$300 for each 90 Minutes after that
Travel at $0.60c per Km from Goonellabah NSW
How this can help you
We contract our drone services to assist in many endeavors, our primary specialty is using the thermal technology to locate lost persons or animals in the remote wilderness.
- Location of Lost Persons
- Video Production
- Aerial Mapping